
Dead and Judged Judged Part 1

[Please Note this is an edited reprint of this three part article originally published in August 2005. In the coming weeks we will reprint all three parts. Having presented the need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and a 'One Verse' Evangelism tool - let us remember 'why' we need to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.]

The Bible contains many truths. One is very important. Specifically, after death, comes judgement. The Bible is quite clear about that fact: Everyone faces judgement.
Actually, almost every religion agrees there is a ‘judgement’. Muslims believe Allah will judge. Buddhists and Hindus believe that if they have not found ‘enlightenment’ they will continue the cycle (someone or something has to decide if they have found ‘enlightenment’ - that is a form of judgement). Christians and Jews believe that God will judge them. About the only people in the world that believe there will not be a judgement of some kind are atheists and agnostics. [Regardless of what the media tells us, true atheists and agnostics are a serious minority.]

The Bible tells us everyone faces judgement.
“So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12

“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,” Hebrews 9:27

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ…” 2 Corinthians 5:10

“All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.” Matthew 25:32

“But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” Romans 14:10

[Matthew 25:31-32, Matthew 12:36, Matt. 16:27, Acts 10:42, Romans 2:16, Galatians 6:5, 2 Timothy 4:1, 1 Peter 4:5]

Each of us will stand before Christ and be judged.
There are only two possible outcomes of this judgement: 1. Salvation - eternal communion WITH God. 2. Condemnation - that is permanent separation FROM God.

No matter what religion one believes, there are two possible outcomes from judgement - one ‘good’ and one ‘bad’. Christians, Jews, and Muslims are very specific - Heaven or Hell. It is going to be one or the other.

The question then is, “Which place am I going to?”

We want to believe that we (our loved ones and ourselves) are going to the ‘GOOD’ place. That is what we tell ourselves we are trying to ‘achieve’. The question is can we KNOW which way we are going?

No matter how fast we live our lives, Eternity is a Long, Long time - It would be nice to know where we will spend it!

COMMENTS (from previous posting)
loren said...


As I was reading this, it struck me just how signifiganet it is for us to know, in relation to the judgment, that Jesus died and rose from the dead.

As the firstborn from the dead, Jesus represents all that we really need to understand about the judgment. (I could quote Scriptures for this, but I'm trying to keep the concept open to others besides Chrisians.)

As the firstborn, He is the pattern; in Him is the assurance, if we are joined with Him; through Him is the leadership and the breakthrough itself. Clinging to Him is our life, even through death. And as He reigns we shall reign with Him. Life is not an end, but a new beginning through the One who loved us and gae Himself for us.

Also, a very interesting insight into the karma folks. Lots of people believe things without even knowing it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember God speaking to me about this before, about God keeping an account for everything that we do (or what we don't do). This was for Christians as well as non believers - as you have rightly pointed out, ALL will be have to give an account.

:o WOW! makes you think hey.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, It does. However, there is good news. This is primarily a “Presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”. I will be editing Part 2 to include two points. 1. Christians are ‘Judged Righteous’ the moment of salvation… (I will include a number of verses that verify this.) 2. The judgement of Christians does not have to do with their ‘salvation’. It is a judgement to determine their rewards, and their ‘position’ in the next life…

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats right Unchained - I look forward to your next posts ;)

11:49 AM  

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